We live in an era of information and it is not uncommon for false information to make its way into our lives and manifest in our minds. The images we see on TV and in magazines of perfect models with flawless bodies can make us dissatisfied with our bodies – even though most of the images we see are not real. Below are six ways to help you love and live with your body as it is.
Acceptance is Key
Make peace with the fact that your body is not perfect and it does not have to be. Accept the things you cannot change and do something about those you can. Always remember that taking care of your body should be a priority and nothing coms above your health.
When You Look Good, You Feel Good
The best way to really feel good about your body is to dress it up in clothes that accentuate your best features. How you choose to dress matters and can have a great effect on your self-esteem. Go out on a shopping spree, get the perfect-fitting bra, invest in some beauty products and flaunt your beautiful self to the world.
Be Around Positive People
If you are constantly surrounded by people who are always critical about their own bodies, their attitude will rub off on you and you might even find yourself comparing your body to theirs, which is not a healthy way to live. Spend time with confident, self-assured people who accept themselves. The positive energy is also very contagious.
Celebrate Your Body
At times we reach goals we never thought we would be able to reach, but we seldom take note of the contributions our bodies make to our success. Think about it this way – your body carries five senses and can use them simultaneously to get a job done. Have a Body Party as Ciara would call it, and celebrate the strength that your body affords you.
Join a Sport or Dance Class
It is so much easier to appreciate your body when you truly realise its capabilities after you win a race or a match in a sport of your choice. When you take up a dance class and film a video of your growth as a dancer, for instance, you become very happy when you see the final product. Both sport and dance require a commitment and a letting go of insecurities in order to succeed.
Make a conscious decision to love your body
It starts with you. Make the decision to let go of all negative opinions about your body and to love it. Do not think twice about buying that crop top or the shorts you really love, but are scared to wear because you have cellulite or bad skin. If you love it, the only opinion that matters is yours, and once people around you see your confidence and self-love, they will sta