Our May cover star and seasoned broadcaster Lady D Khoza launched her memoir in Durban this past weekend. Titled uDudu Umabiz’Asabele Isikhukhukazi Esimatshweletshwele, the book tells the story of the living legend from her days as a nurse to her rise to ro fame as one of South Africa’s most-loved radio personalities.
Lady D’s son, Kwazi Khoza revealed that she has been working on the book silently for two years. He said in part: “Mom’s @ladydkhoza book launch was a complete success. It was such a moment for us as a family to witness all this come together. For 2 years she has been secretly working on this book.”
The book is co-authored by Bhedlindaba V. V. O Mkhize and Dr Nomagugu Mazibuko and will be available in isiZulu. The English copies will be available later this year.
Lady D Khoza launches her memoir. We can’t wait to read it!
SEE ALSO: Unathi announces the release of her memoir
In our May issue, Lady D shared that she stumblesd across radio in the 70s while working as a professional, where she specialised in family planning. She shared in part: “Becaause family planning was still taboo back then, we dealt with all kinds of myths. These included one that said the contraceptive injection made women prronsicuous.”
She then became a regular contributor on Ukhozi FM (then Radio Bantu), where she would speak as Sister Mildred. : I got very involved with my worrk. On Ukhozi, I insisted that listeners be allowed to call in and ask questions. I also wrote for BONA at some point, giving health advice from the late 70s until I moved to radio in the early 90s. I gave answers to as many people as possible.