Actress and humanitarian Nomzamo Mbatha gave the Keynote Address at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy valedictory ceremony. The star was introduced by the Oprah who described her as “one of the most sought-after women of influence on the continent of Africa.”
During her speech, Nomzamo shared inspiring words to the 2019 matriculants at the school. She said in part, “Now it’s important for me to be able to say that. And for you to be able to say it the person next to you. To say that you are the yes because there will be so many nos in life. So many nos. But it will take that one no more from you that will change the trajectory of your life. That one no more. So many of us walk through life and don’t know what we have. But most importantly, there’s so many of us who doubt what we have and who we are.”
Nomzamo continued, “That’s the thing about destiny, there’s absolutely no escaping it. You just have to keep pursuing the life of your dreams and meet your destiny. Meet your destiny well. So often we never realise all the tools we are born with. And again, what is your rod, what is your staff. Be still and pray for the capacity to rise above your fears because this thing called fear is inevitable. Every single person will have always have an inkling of fear. But the thing about fear is this, it is conquerable.”
Speaking on her earliest life and career lesson she shared, “The one thing I learned early on in my career and in my life is never to operate from a place of fear. But, to always operate from a place of belief and you always operate from a place of belief because you do what you believe in. Always know also that you need to operate from a place of love. But most importantly, operate from a place of something called blinkers.
Take a look at Nomzamo Mbatha’s Keynote Address at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy.