It’s been a long year already, and it’s only the beginning of August. A lot of women, are feeling depleted, overwhelmed, snowed-under and so much more. Whether it’s because we’re a working mom trying to find the balance between family and work; a career woman trying to make a name for ourselves in the corporate world; or a stay-at-home mom running a household and managing the entire world of little humans, there is a lot going on.
According to a report by Deloitte, Women @ Work 2022: A Global Outlook, 40% of women in South Africa feel burnt out, and 51% women say their stress levels are higher than a year ago. ‘As a holistic self-care coach my purpose is to help women rebuild their inner strength, and to make sure they are not depleted so that they can show up and shine for the people in their lives. The key is to come to terms with the fact that you can’t change the world you are in; you can only change the way you live in the world,’ says Olivia Wallis.
Tips to get your inner strength back
1. Get comfortable with the chaos
Chaos is all around us. If you’re a parent, just as you think you’re acing one thing, the next wave of chaos erupts. However, we need to get comfortable with the chaos. Don’t try to do everything perfectly. Get the basics done at the start to avoid adding more pressure onto yourself.
2. The power of 1
Do one thing. The end goal can often seem overwhelming. Start small and break things down into bite size pieces. When you start with one thing, it becomes so much easier to do the second and the third. You’ll be able to feel a sense of accomplishment and achievement, which is then a further motivator to keep going.
3. Be kind to yourself
With people in your life who you rely on – you’re driving things, meaning you ensure that you are filling your cup with essentials. This includes things like: eating the right foods, sleeping enough, and speaking words of affirmation. To gauge if you’re on the right track with being kind to yourself, always ask this question, ‘would I treat a child this way?’ If the answer is ‘no’ take some time to readjust your thinking and reframe the narrative.
4. Let go of expectations
Expectations can be dangerous things and often lead to disappointment, creating anguish and anxiety. We expect people to behave a certain way or we expect our jobs to pan out a certain way. Though, it’s not to say you shouldn’t have goals and strive to achieve them, but if the expectations are weighing you down, let them go.
5. Stop trying to live the fairytale
Society, media and fairytales have built things up in a certain way, for us to live a certain way and in a certain order. But in reality things rarely ever goes according to plan. In life tough things happen, we grow and develop. Let go of the fairytale life that adds so much pressure, and live the way you feel is right for you.
6. Remember, the grass is greener after the storm
When bad things happen, look for the lesson. It doesn’t mean that what you have been through is a good thing, and it doesn’t diminish the hurt and struggle that you may have experienced, but it helps you grow. Once you get through a storm, things clear up. The sky is brighter than before, the grass always looks greener, and sometimes there is a rainbow. It’s not always the perfect fairytale ending but it does come to an end, and it does work out. If it hasn’t worked out, it means that it’s not yet the end.
Also see: Reasons you struggling to sleep