Singing in the shower is not only fun, but you actually sound better! Turns out that singing in the shower can provide surprising health benefits for your body.
Those moments of singing in the shower can be rewarding to your well-being as not only does singing make you feel happy, but it’s rewarding when you sound good too! Singing in the shower can provide a boost in confidence and self-esteem.
With a boost in confidence and self-esteem you can better combat feelings of anxiety, sadness and loneliness.
Here are the health benefits of singing in the shower and why it good for your well-being:
Less Stress Hormones
Adrenaline and cortisol are hormones that get triggered when you’re super stressed. In excess, they can wear down your immune system and cause serious illnesses in your body. Luckily, singing is known to decrease these stress hormones.
It lowers blood pressure
Singing in the shower helps release the stress hormone, cortisol. This hormone is known to raise blood pressure, blood sugar and can cause inflammation in your body.
More ‘Feeling Happy’ Hormones
Dopamine is the hormone responsible for all of those good feels. And when you’re singing, it increases, giving you an influx of pure joy.
Helps Improve Speaking Abilities
Scientists and researchers have found compelling evidence suggesting singing can help the speech abilities of people with autism, Parkinson’s disease, aphasia following a stroke, and stuttering.
Improves lung function
According to Healthline it helps improve lung functions because singing involves deep breathing and the controlled use of muscles in the respiratory system, it may be beneficial for certain lung and breathing conditions.