These fabulous tips and tricks will leave you feeling in a state of domestic bliss. Follow our 16 home cleaning hacks to make your life easier today.
1. To stop bathroom mirrors from steaming up, rub a dry bar of soap over the surface, then rub with a clean cloth to keep the fog away.
2. To remove oil from silk clothing, gently rub cornflour into the area to absorb the oil, and lightly brush off. Cover the oil mark completely with more cornflour and leave to sit for a few hours. Shake clothing free of flour and then hand wash, or use a gentle machine cycle, using handwash detergent.
3. Doormats are the easiest way to stop dirt from getting into the house. Make sure you have two — one outside the house and one inside. Remember to clean the mats regularly, though, as dirty mats will just add to the mess.
4. Place whole cloves in wardrobes and drawers to deter silverfish.
5. Vacuum your mattress, particularly along piping and crevices, to remove the dead skin cells that attract dust mites.
6. To clean the inside of your handbag, gently pull the lining inside out then wipe with a damp cloth or baby wipes.
7. Got scuff marks on your paintwork? Rub them with a clean pencil eraser, then dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol and dab the mark until it disappears.
8. If your furniture has left an indentation in your carpet, place an ice cube into the groove. Let it melt naturally then use a stiff brush to gently scrub the pile up and back into place.
9. For cat hairs, put on a pair of rubber gloves and moisten them with water. Run your hand over the surface of your furniture. If you’re worried about things getting wet, test it on a small area first.
10. Tackling limescale in the loo? Distilled vinegar dissolves calcium (which is what limescale is made of). Put it into a spray bottle, then apply to the toilet, leave for half an hour and rinse clean. If the problem is more severe, soak a few pieces of kitchen towel in the vinegar and place them on the bad spots for a few hours.
11. And on the shower door? Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and scrub on with a soft toothbrush. For heavy caking, soak paper towels in vinegar and leave on overnight. Lemon juice and water applied with an old newspaper, then rinsed with water works well too.
12. To prevent moths from settling in your clothes, shake everything out of your cupboards once a month as moths don’t like being disturbed. Keep carpets moth-free by moving furniture to clean and vacuum underneath, and in every nook and crevice.
13. Ensure clothes are spotless before hanging them in a wardrobe. Coats that need dry-cleaning encourage the presence of moths, which prefer dirty clothes to clean ones.
14. Cull knitwear regularly to prevent a build-up of old, unused coats and jerseys. Those and old blankets are favourite breeding grounds for moths.
15. If you want to freshen up your microwave, simply mix water and lemon juice in a microwave-friendly bowl and let it heat up in your microwave for five minutes. The steam will help to break down all the dirt and grime, so you can just wipe down the inside when it’s done.
16. Keep your grill in peak condition by rubbing half a white onion on it while it’s hot. This will help remove some of the carbon build-up and season the grill at the same time.
Compiled by: Savanna Douglas
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