Brian Dings, Big Zulu’s opponent is demanding a rematch after their recent boxing match. The boxing match which took place on 23 April left Brian knocked out.
However, Brian has since revealed that he wants a rematch with Big Zulu and although he has so much respect for the musician, Brian felt that the match was unfair.
Speaking to Sunday World, he revealed that he never had the chance to warm up, and during the match he was told that he had been ‘knocked out’ in the first round.
Brian said: “I never got a chance to warm up, and I was told 10 minutes before the match that I was up next. I asked the referee why he stopped the match and he said I was dizzy, hence he stopped the match,” he told the publication.
Brian also alleged that as he was trying to step back, he revealed to the publication that Big Zulu allegedly took advantage and attacked him on his way down without the referee protecting him.
“I’m humbly asking for my rematch with good officials and good facilities. That is not a win or knockout, it is called match-fixing,” he said.
According to Akira Solomon, director of Seconds Out, said the following to the publication.
“Dings was well aware of the fight order and he and his team were made aware of the time of his fight. It is thus his team and his responsibility to prepare for fight time,” she told the publication.
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