A migraine is a headache of varying intensity and can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. Many things can bring on a migraine, even the foods and drinks we consume.
According to Healthline, the Migraine Research Foundation states that foods that trigger migraine may only do so when combined with other triggers. “But this combination – and any trigger in general – is highly individualised, making research difficult.”
Here are the five foods that may trigger migraines, according to the above-mentioned publication.
One study reported that over 35% of the participants with migraine reported that alcohol was one of their common triggers. Red wine triggered over 77% of the participants.
Because dehydration is a significant factor when consuming alcohol, this will likely lead to a person experiencing headaches.
Yes… chocolate. This guilty pleasure is thought to be the second most common trigger for migraine attacks, after alcohol. Chocolate contains both caffeine and beta-phenylethylamine, which may bring on headaches in some people. It is also said that the sweet treat affects an estimated 22% of people who experience migraine.
Frozen foods
Consuming frozen foods or drinks – for example, ice cream or slushies – can trigger severe, stabbing pains in the head, which we commonly refer to as ‘brain freeze.’
These headaches can become migraine attacks if you are eating cold food quickly, after exercising, or when feeling overheated.
Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are sugar alternatives added to foods and drinks to add some sweetness. Despite providing a yummy, sweet taste, it can also cause migraines. Aspartame – an artificial non-saccharide sweetener – in particular is thought to trigger migraine episodes.
Pickled and fermented foods
These types of foods have a high amount of the substance called tyramine. It is found in the following foods:
- gherkins
- kimchi
- kombucha (which can also have alcoholic content)
- pickled okra
- pickled jalapeños