Bicarbonate of soda or baking soda is a useful tool to have in the household as it can be a cure for many problems. Known for providing a fluffy feel in baked goodies such as muffins and cakes, baking soda also has health benefits and can be used for household things.
We’ve compiled a list of ways bicarbonate of soda can be useful to you and your household, supplied by Healthline.
May relieve itchy skin and sunburns – a baking soda bath is often recommended to soothe itchy skin after bug bites or bee stings. Additionally, baking soda may help soothe skin that’s itching from sunburns. Some people claim that it’s more effective when combined with other ingredients like cornstarch and oatmeal. To make a baking soda bath, add 1–2 cups (220–440 grams) of baking soda to a lukewarm bath. Make sure the affected area is soaked thoroughly. For specific areas, create a paste with baking soda and a bit of water, then apply a thick layer to the affected area.
May soothe canker sore – canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can form inside your mouth. Unlike cold sores, canker sores don’t form on your lips and aren’t contagious. Though more evidence is needed, some older studies suggest that baking soda mouthwash soothes pain caused by canker sores. You can make baking soda mouthwash using the recipe in the previous chapter. Rinse your mouth with this mixture once a day until the canker sore heals.
Oil and grease fire extinguisher – Interestingly, some fire extinguishers contain baking soda. These types, which are known as dry chemical fire extinguishers, are used to extinguish oil, grease, and electrical fires. Baking soda reacts with the heat to produce carbon dioxide, which smothers the fire.You can use baking soda to extinguish small oil and grease fires (18). However, bicarbonate of soda will not be able to extinguish larger house fires. These fires draw in more oxygen and easily neutralize the effects of baking soda.
Homemade weed killer – Weeds often have deep roots, making them hard to eradicate without using chemical weed killers. Notably, baking soda makes a cheaper, safer alternative. That’s because baking soda is high in sodium, which creates a harsh environment for weeds. Sprinkle a few handfuls of baking soda over weeds in areas like the cracks of your sidewalk or driveway. However, avoid using baking soda to kill weeds in your flowerbeds and gardens, as it may harm your other plants as well.