When it is that time of the month, there is a looming fear that someone can see you are menstruating. Another fear is that they can smell the period odour. This may lead you to opt for a scented pad… which is a definite no-no!
Speaking to experts in the field, Healthshots provides four reasons why you should not be spending your money on scented pads.
They are counterproductive
Obstetrician and gynaecologist (OBGYN) Dr Gandhali Deorukhkar Pillai explains, “When your menstrual blood mixes with chemical perfumes on sanitary pads, it can lead to a foul smell. So, instead of masking the odour, it can worsen it.” Dr Pillai also recommends changing your pad every four to six hours regardless of the flow instead of using scented pads to avoid the odour.
Potential growth of bacteria
Sanitary pads are made using absorbent materials that block moisture and generate heat, notes Dr Pillai. “Using a scented sanitary pad for a long duration can result in the growth of bacteria due to the moist and warm environment it creates down there.” Furthermore, the OBGYN warns people against the chemicals on the top layer of scented pads. If the scented pad comes into direct contact with your sensitive labial and vaginal skin, it can cause a yeast infection.
Harmful to the body
The heavy dose of chemicals on the sanitary pad can come with serious consequences to one’s health. Dr Tripti Saran warns, “These chemicals can cause organ damage and the hydrocarbons might even be carcinogenic.”
Harmful to the environment
Dr Saran explains that not only are scented pads non-biodegradable, but the toxic fumes in these scented pads when burned can make the air pollution and the health of those inhaling the fumes worse.
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