Everyone who has been pregnant before will tell you a different story of what the early signs of their pregnancy were. Even those who have been pregnant more than once are likely to experience different signs. Of these early pregnancy signs, some are normal and can be expected, while some are wired and funny.
Below are five wired possible signs of early pregnancy as shared by Wholesome Children.
Vivid strange Dreams
Pregnancy dreams can be very different from your average dreams, and they’re not uncommon even very soon after conception. It’s hard to explain, but you can dream up some totally bizarre and very interesting (even steamy! Whoa!) stories in pregnancy, and they’ll feel very real, and you’ll remember them the next morning to the tiniest detail.
Strange Metallic Taste
This pregnancy symptom which is most noticeable in the first trimester and improves later in pregnancy even has a name – dysgeusia (pronounced dis-gu-zia), and it’s caused by – make a guess – yep, changing hormone levels.
Gagging when brushing teeth
Every time you brush your teeth, attempt to brush your teeth, see a toothbrush or just walk by the bathroom, your gag reflex can kick into overdrive when you are pregnant. Having your gag reflex easily triggered is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and a dead giveaway for many women.
Watch how pets (and children) act around you
Are they acting weird around you and YOU only? You could be pregnant! Call it one of the totally strange early pregnancy symptoms, but it’s legit! Cats and dogs tend to act more protective, loving, or just flat out bizarre around pregnant women. This is yet another early pregnancy sign to look for as early as before your missed period. The same goes for kids. Small children may get more emotional and clingier, rub, kiss, or point to your stomach. If you don’t have any kids of your own but spend time with some, it is very possible that they won’t want to leave your side now. If you’re pregnant, that is.
Implantation bleeding
If you notice pink or brown discharge around the time of your expected period (or within a week or two of suspected ovulation) and it goes away but your period doesn’t show up, it could be a sign of implantation bleeding – one of the earliest signs of pregnancy!Implantation bleeding can happen after the fertilized egg burrows into the soft uterine lining. The uterus contains lots of blood vessels, and it’s not uncommon for some of them to burst during in plantation and release small amounts of blood.
Also see: Things to avoid doing during pregnancy