It turns out that coffee has benefits beyond just waking us up in the morning and keeping us alert in meetings. Recent studies have found a number of potential health advantages to coffee.
Read more to explore the health benefits of drinking coffee.
Increases your energy levels
Caffeine, a substance that stimulates the central nervous system and is found in coffee, is recognised for reducing fatigue and boosting energy according to Healthline.
This is because coffee boosts levels of other neurotransmitters in your brain that control your energy levels, such as dopamine, by blocking the receptors of a neurotransmitter called adenosine notes the publication mentioned above.
May lower the risk of type 2 diabetes
In a 2014 Harvard study that was published in the journal Diabetologica, over 124,000 participants were followed for 16 to 20 years.
Over a four-year period, those who increased their daily coffee consumption by more than a cup had an 11% lower chance of acquiring Type 2 diabetes; those who lowered their consumption by one cup had a 17% higher risk.
The reason may be the antioxidants in coffee, which reduce inflammation. It is also known to (inflammation contributes to your Type 2 diabetes risk).
However, if you already have Type 2 diabetes, you should stay away from caffeinated foods and beverages, such as coffee. It has been demonstrated that caffeine causes diabetes patients’ blood sugar and insulin levels to increase.
Good for the liver
It has been demonstrated that coffee is good for the health of your liver. Cleveland clinic states that those at risk for the condition, such as those with alcohol use disorder or fatty liver disease, it can aid in preventing liver cirrhosis.
Helps lower depression
According to several studies, a person’s risk of depression decreases with the amount of coffee they consume.
Don’t use coffee as a replacement for other healthy practices; enjoy a cup or two every day.
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