Having a mentor is beneficial for many reasons. Mentors can help you avoid mistakes and help you learn how to do better from their own experience. They are also the go-to people when you find yourself in a sticky situation as they are always open to giving words of encouragement.
Here are some reasons as to why you need a mentor in your life.
Gain support and guidance
According to Radical Candor – an executive education company – during times of hardship and difficulty, a mentor can help you by providing guidance and ways to tackle the problem you might be facing. Mentors also provide emotional support which can be very essential for when you are feeling down or overwhelmed.
Provide development of new skills and knowledge
According to PushFar – a world-leading mentoring software and technology company – helping tens of thousands of individuals and hundreds of organisations with mentoring, a mentor can help you develop new skills and knowledge based on their own life experience. They can also introduce you to new ideas and resources that might assist with your growth as they can identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Help with networking opportunities and connections
The above-mentioned source says that mentors can introduce you to new people in your industry or field which can help you create valuable connections. “Mentors also help you build relationships with other professionals which can help you in the future,” added the source.
They become a role model and source of inspiration
Seeing someone who is successful in your field of work is something that can push you to do better and achieve the goals that you have for yourself. Radical Candor also states that a mentor serves as that person you draw strength from, and they can also boost your confidence and help you believe in your own abilities.
They give honest feedback and advice
PushFar also mentions that a mentor can offer unbiased feedback that will help you know which areas you need to improve on, they can also help you to make decisions for your future goals and how you are going to achieve them.
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