The legal drama continues for reality TV star Nonku Williams, who has reportedly accused her ex-fiancé Dumisani Ndlazi, better known as Rough Diamond or RD, of harassing her family, children, and business associates.
The accusation is reportedly evident in Nonku’s counterclaim against RD after the businessman shared a letter of demand addressed to Nonku from his lawyer.
In the letter seen by ZiMoja, the letter of demand addressed to RD’s attorneys from Nonku’s lawyer, Donovan Reddy, states the following:
“In the circumstances, we are instructed to demand that your client provide us with a written undertaking that he will desist from harassing our client, either by contacting her family or business associates. Should your client not provide us with the required undertaking, we are instructed to institute the necessary legal proceedings to interdict your client from doing so.”
The letter continued, “It goes without saying that should our client be obliged to act as such, we are to seek punitive order costs against your client.”
RD’s letter to Nonku and her legal team demanded The Real Housewives of Durban star present him with a public apology after she was accused of uttering defamatory statements about him. Nonku alleged that RD had scammed her and stolen material from her business site worth R300,000.
“I was in love. I mixed my business with pleasure, and I regret it but I also learned my lesson,” Nonku told ZiMoja.
RD denied scamming Nonku and to back up his claims, shared his letter of demand on social media.
“I THINK ITS TIME FOR PEOPLE TO KNOW THE TRUTH. I’ve been quiet for too long, typing to be mature but she’s been pushing me,” RD captioned his post.
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Also see: ‘She was more into content’ – Rough Diamond on relationship with Nonku