While good friends may be few and far between, sometimes those we trust the most are the ones who need to be closely examined.
Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, fake friends exist. Aimee Daramus, PsyD explains to the health and wellness publication Verywell Mind that false friends tend to act like friends only when it benefits them. She adds, “When you need something, they’re suddenly not that into it.”
Verywell Mind notes that different factors can lead to the cause of being a fake friend. These factors include:
- Childhood trauma.
- Insecurity.
- Narcissism.
- Self-centredness.
- Psychopathy.
“Regardless of the reason why the person is the way they are, it’s not your job to let yourself be used,” notes Dr Daramus.
If you feel that your friend might be fake, consider the following 10 signs, as listed by the lifestyle publication Health Shots, to spot their disingenuous nature.
- Betrayal of trust: Does your friend share your secrets with outside parties or talk behind your back? If yes, you may have a fake friend.
- Conditional support: Fake friends will be absent during your challenges and only show their support when it benefits them.
- Energy drain: After spending time with them, you feel drained rather than uplifted.
- Inconsistent communication: They will only talk to you if they need something.
- Jealousy or competition: Your achievements might make them envious or jealous, leading to them trying to compete with you rather than celebrating your success.
- Lack of effort: Fake friends will avoid putting effort into maintaining the friendship or frequently cancel plans.
- Lack of genuine interest: On top of the lack of effort, fake friends will also show little interest in your life, feelings or concerns.
- Negative energy: Negativity, drama or criticism are some of the main things they may bring into your life.
- No reciprocity: Unlike real friends, fake friends only believe in taking without giving anything back.
- Selfish: They tend to focus on their own needs and rarely consider yours.
Also see: 5 Ways to overcome friendship break-up