He is a well-known actor from ‘The Wife’ and ‘Shaka Ilembe’ Mondli Makhoba, is set to embark on a new venture as the host of the groundbreaking show, ‘Vuka Mjita’ airing on Mzansi Wethu (DStv channel 163) starting on the 14th of July.
In a statement released by Mzansi Wethu, the show aims to challenge societal norms with its motto, “Indoda ayikhali” (a man does not cry), by providing a safe space for men to express their feelings openly, honestly, and without shame.
Mondli will guide participants through a transformative journey aimed at breaking down emotional barriers and facilitating healing.
Director of Local Entertainment Channels, Shirley Adonisi, emphasises the show’s mission to empower men and address mental health concerns among male audiences, aligning with Mzansi’s commitment to resonate with its viewers on a deeper level.
“This show is like being part of a journey to empower men and we are looking at it as giving a platform to help understand, nurturing and try to heal the mental state of our brothers and sons where it’s needed.”
“Our Mzansi brand is all about entertainment that resonates with our audience, and we hope that Vuka Mjita will be more than just that but will also be a show where men can be vulnerable and talk openly and honestly,” Shirley said.
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Under the guidance of Clinical Psychologist & Author, Thabang Tlaka, each episode will feature a different gentleman in need of therapeutic intervention.
Viewers are encouraged to tune in to Mzansi Wethu DStv Channel 163 every Sunday from July 14th at 8pm to witness men in modern society embark on a journey of emotional healing and self-discovery.
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