Mihlali Ndamase reveals more about her relationship with Leeroy Sidambe in an open letter

Award-winning content creator Mihlali Ndamase has released an open letter on social media in response to allegations her ex-boyfriend Leeroy Sidambe physically assaulted her.

Last week, Mihlali shared images of herself being battered and bruised and alluded to Leeroy being the perpetrator of the abuse. She later deleted the post on social media.

The businessman hit back, denying Mihlali’s claims of assault.

Now, to set the record straight, the 27-year-old has taken to her social media platforms to explain what transpired between her and Leeroy.

“It is with great vulnerability that I admit I was involved in a toxic relationship. This relationship started off verbally and emotionally harmful and matters quickly escalated to it being physically harmful,” said Mihlali.

The YouTuber added that she has taken full accountability for her involvement, “unlike others.”

“And to everybody that has reached out, concerned about my safety and well-being and sent words of encouragement, they do not go unnoticed,” added Mihlali.

In the 2.20-minute video, the influencer added that she experienced gaslighting, emotional abuse and manipulation. Although she didn’t mention Leeroy’s name, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to combine two and two.

The ex-couple’s tumultuous relationship had often been in the news for all the wrong reasons.

Mihlali’s post received mixed responses from online users. Despite asking for empathy as she navigated her lived experience, people weren’t that forgiving.

X account ChrisExcel entered the fray and gave its 2 cents: “She used a Black & White filter so the scars can appear clearly

“So that we can feel sorry her like she did not wreck a home and made a married man to leave his wife and kids…”

Norma Kay didn’t miss their words either: “The only toxic thing here Mihlali is you…

“You deliberately dated a fully married man with kids and flaunted him and rubbed off your elicit affairs on Leeroy’s wife.”

Podcaster and social activist Perseverance Maremeni clarified the conversation and said, “There is no honour amongst thieves!

“Sometimes you will think you have won when you date a married man and get promoted from side chick to main. Kanti cha, you’re taking a burden from the wife to carry it yourself. Anyway, all the best with your healing journey.”

Words:Fame Frenzy