It is no secret that eating eggs, in general, is good for your health, not to mention how easy it is to make a meal out of it. This is a given.
Individuals have their preferences when it comes to preparing their eggs be it scrambled, sunny side up, soft or hard-boiled eggs but the below experts share some interesting hidden health benefits of eating boiled eggs.
According to health-focused source WebMD, boiled eggs are cooked by submerging them in boiling water. The difference between soft and hard-boiled eggs is that the yolk of one stays runny even after the white is done, while the other is cooked for a longer period until the yolk and whites are thoroughly cooked.
“Egg yolks contain large amounts of both lutein and zeaxanthin,” and research indicates that getting enough of these nutrients can lower the incidence of cataracts and macular degeneration which are the two common eye conditions, claims health-centred publication Healthline.
The health hub further adds that the nutritional makeup of eggs differs, depending on how the hen is grown and fed. Eggs from pasture-raised hens have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids which lower triglycerides, a risk factor for heart disease.
HealthifyMe also claims that despite choline being a necessary component, most people are unfamiliar with the nutrient. It is said to be essential for the cytoplasmic membrane’s production as well as contributing to the production of chemical signals in the brain.
“Each boiled egg contains more than 100 mg of choline,” the above health source adds.