Are you a coffee lover? Do you sometimes notice that your first cup in the morning makes your stomach grumble so much that you just gotta go? There are reasons for this and health publications help us understand what it all means.
Sensitivity to caffeine: The health publication, Patient, states that coffee is obviously high in caffeine, which can affect the urge to use the toilet. It is mentioned that studies suggest caffeine has a laxative effect, encouraging the body to poo. “Caffeine is a gastrointestinal stimulant which means that it speeds up peristalsis (muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract). Therefore it speeds up activity through the bowel, resulting in symptoms such as diarrhoea and stomach cramping.”
Hormone release triggered by coffee: Coffee, whether decaffeinated or with caffeine, increases the hormone gastrin synthesis, which instructs the stomach to produce gastric acid, states the publication above. It is further mentioned that because gastrin aids in digestion, it might be a factor in our need to use the loo after drinking coffee.
Coffee acids: According to the health information and well-being publication, Healthline, numerous acids included in coffee, including N-alkanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide and chlorogenic acid, have been demonstrated to enhance the production of stomach acid. It is therefore explained that for food to pass through your stomach, stomach acid aids in its breakdown.
Empty stomach: Java Presse agrees with the above-mentioned publications stating that due to the extra acids and caffeine molecules in coffee, drinking it without a substantial breakfast can cause stomach issues. It’s recommended to note how you feel after different breakfasts, “If cereal and milk with your coffee still leaves you with a bit of discomfort, you’ll know you need to add in a bit more substance like a banana or protein.”
Also see: Health benefits drinking coffee