What exactly is mindful eating? – Here’s what experts have to say

As we all know, what we eat, where we eat and how our food is prepared are the most important indicators that determine our healthy lifestyle. However, we are not always conscious of these indicators.

Are we eating because we have to, or because we are hungry, and what does that have to do with being mindful? The below experts provide a bit of understanding to what mindful eating is exactly.

Health-focused publication Healthline states, “Eating has become a mindless act, often done quickly. This can be problematic since it takes time for your brain to register that you’re full.”

Eating mindfully slows you down and helps you regain focus. It turns eating into a deliberate action rather than a reflex, the above health hub adds.

The above-mentioned publication further claims that it is used to treat a wide range of illnesses, such as eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and different food-related behaviours.

According to the Havard School of Public Health, with increased awareness and without passing judgment, mindful eating concentrates on your eating experiences, thoughts and feelings toward food.

Helpguide.org explains it in this manner,  perfection, always eating the correct foods, or never allowing oneself to eat on the go again are not the goals of mindful eating. It has nothing to do with creating strict guidelines for how many calories you can consume or what items you must include or exclude from your diet.

Instead, it is about using all of your senses and living in the moment while you prepare, serve, and eat your food, the above source adds.


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