For most women, the desire to be a mother lingers on for them almost all their adult lives, of course not all women feel the same but for those who do, this becomes a mission to accomplish and if an opportunity presents itself for her to become a mom, she doesn’t let anything interfere with that.
This is to a point where if the odds are against her in terms of relationships and finding a man to settle down with and start a family, she would rather ride solo.
Single mothers who shared their experiences with the Huff Post hub mentioned that they don’t see the need for a partner when it comes to having children as there are several available options to get pregnant. They believe it’s only a matter of utilising what is at your disposal to get what you want.
“Being a good parent is more important than being a married one. While it’s lovely that the U.S. government is spending $500 million on its Healthy Marriage Initiative, it is money that might be better spent helping all mothers and fathers who need it–single or married–put conscious parenting into action.”
Other reasons for women to opt for single parenting according to the Good Housekeeping publication include age and their worry about being too old to have kids, no desire to have sexual relations, and sometimes impacts from past experiences with relationships.
Single mothers by choice tend to be older women, with successful careers, who have considered their decisions carefully, planning for childcare, having a strong social network support, and financial resources, states the Medium website. Research indicates that the “intendedness” of a pregnancy is associated with more positive outcomes for children and families of single mothers.
“These women see the choice to become a single mother or other alternatives, as just another choice because they have a different understanding of what makes a family
Also see: Parenting tips for new moms