In the world of television, few shows bring out the raw and often heart-wrenching realities of people’s lives quite like Ubuthe Uzobuya. Hosted by Tshepo Maseko, the series follows the journeys of individuals who have been abandoned by their spouses and left with unanswered questions and the complexities of healing.
Showmax sat down with Tshepo who shared his perspective on hosting Ubuthe Uzobuya and how it differs from his past work in scripted television roles.
When asked how hosting the show compares to his previous acting experiences, Tshepo discussed the challenges and rewards of working on a show where there’s no script or second take.
“Thankfully, I don’t have to act; everything is real. This makes it more challenging, as it’s always unpredictable. However, it’s also raw and genuine, which I love. I feel connected to the show as both the host and an audience member,” he said.
When asked about couples reconciling on Ubuthe Uzobuya, Tshepo expressed uncertainty about the permanence of any reunions, as cameras can affect behaviour. He noted that many men left seeking respect, while many women voiced concerns over abuse.
He further told the ShowmaxStories, that everyone must watch this show as it addresses real issues and breaks the ice on sensitive topics without compromising the dignity of the show’s guests.
The key lesson Tshepo took from filming Ubuthe Uzobuya is that every decision has lasting consequences.
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