Maintaining blood sugar control involves daily decisions that improve your general health, not just looking at numbers on a chart. Everyone should ensure that their blood sugar is in check, but those who have diabetes need to pay even more attention to their health.
Stress, poor eating habits, and a lack of time for exercise are common aspects of our modern lives that can quickly throw blood sugar levels out of balance. The good news is that you can maintain healthy blood sugar levels with these simple tips:
According to the health-focused publication, Healthline, “Carbohydrates (carbs) are what cause blood sugar to rise. When you eat carbs, they are broken down into simple sugars. Those sugars then enter the bloodstream.”
The above health publication states that exercise increases your cells’ sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar surges. Blood sugar levels are lowered by exercise because it causes muscle cells to absorb sugar from the blood. The health hub further adds that exercise that is moderate in intensity or high in intensity may lessen blood sugar rises.
Similarly, Lena Beal, a therapeutic dietitian at Piedmont claims that drinking alcohol can cause blood sugar levels in diabetics to rise and fall dangerously low and keep your weight within a healthy range. Find out from your doctor if your weight is appropriate for your height and age.
According to Piedmont Healthcare, here are high blood sugar symptoms:
- Urinating a lot
- Weariness
- Vision blur
The above source further adds that low blood sugar symptoms include:
- Lightheadedness
- Shaking
- Sweaty, cold and chilly skin
- Anxiety
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