With more South Africans dying from heart disease, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases than ever before, perhaps it’s time you changed your lifestyle to incorporate healthier habits to look after your heart?
This is the question posed by 1Life’s MD, Laurence Hillman as the World Heart Federation’s Global Cardiovascular Disease Atlas cites this sobering research. A major contributor to this rising statistic is our changing diet, which is heavier in fats, sugar and salts and lower in fruits and vegetables. Even if you feel that your heart is healthy, then take this into consideration: one in three people are living with high blood pressure which greatly increases the risk of a heart attack.
Remember, younger more fit people can suffer from heart disease just as easily as those whose lifestyles are less healthy or who are older. Which is why not only should your lifestyle reflect healthy decisions, but you should also plan for any contingency as nothing in life can be taken for granted.
Here are a few life hacks that you can use to keep your ticker happy and healthy.
Keep track of your blood pressure at home
Many people have high blood pressure without knowing it. If high blood pressure goes untreated, it can damage arteries and vital organs throughout the body. To keep track of your blood pressure, you can purchase your own monitor to use at home, so you know how well your cardiovascular system is functioning. These monitors are relatively inexpensive and easy to learn to use. Keep in mind that normal blood pressure should be lower than 120/80mmHg and external factors such as exercise, stress and medication can increase your blood pressure.
Get your heart rate up
It’s recommended that you get in about 30 minutes of cardio a day for your heart’s health, but if you can’t get to the gym, try to incorporate at least 10 000 steps into your day. Buy a pedometer, or download an app that tracks and measures your steps throughout the day. A great idea is to incorporate fun activities with your family at home, if you have extra space, get a ping-pong table and play with the family. If you have a garden, play soccer or install a basketball net. Take your dog for a walk after work. Do anything you can to get your heart pumping that can easily be slotted into your day.
Eat these foods to keep your heart healthy
Incorporate these foods into your diet – your heart will thank you for it, as many of these lower cholesterol and keep your arteries clear.
Oatmeal: Oats are high in omega-3 fatty acids, folate and potassium and will lower cholesterol.
Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can reduce blood pressure and blood clotting.
Berries: Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries contain anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce your risk of heart disease.
Avocado: Allows for the absorption of beta-carotene and lycopene – essential for heart health.
Oranges: Contains cholesterol-fighting fibre pectin, as well as potassium, which helps control blood pressure.
In conjunction with this, limit the amount of saturated and trans-fats you eat as this will lower blood cholesterol and your risk of coronary artery disease.
Get peace of mind
Even if you eat healthy foods, don’t smoke and exercise frequently, you could fall victim to a heart attack or a related cardiovascular disease and survive – think about whether you can manage the financial implications?
A few years ago, radio and television personality Mark Pilgrim, suffered a heart attack in the doctor’s room. While he survived the heart attack, it still came as quite a shock – as he was seen as quite healthy and fit. This proves again that life can throw you a curveball – no matter how well you aim to live your life.
It is important to make sure that you can eliminate one stress factor in times such as these, by protecting yourself effectively with life insurance and dread disease cover. Life insurance will take care of your family should you pass away, and dread disease cover means that if you suffer from a heart attack and survive, you are paid out with the funds you need to get your life back on track and ensure, as far as possible, that you are not left with a mountain of medical bills to pay-off.