5 Things Parents Can Learn From Children

As much as being a parent means that you get to impart the most important life lessons to your child, there are things you can learn from your children as well.



Children laugh 300 to 400 times a day while adults average at 20, which is very sad. How do you enjoy life when you don’t laugh enough? Laughing reduces stress, helps you become more likable, more positive, and smiling reduces wrinkles on your face. So, why not laugh at life, love yourself and add some quality to your life.

No grudges

Children seldom hold grudges. They forgive so easily, it is almost criminal. No matter how rude or bad you are to a child, rest assured that all will be forgiven tomorrow, even if you don’t apologise. They may sulk and moan quite a lot, but most children don’t hold grudges and that means they smile more; they don’t have loads of emotional baggage to carry and they are more sincere.


Adults don’t play enough and because of that they end up trying to make a life and never really live. You shouldn’t always pursue the next big success or achievement and forget to actually live. When we’re not chasing society’s definition of success, then we are spending too much time intoxicated or consumed by worry. Take a lead from your children, play more because it makes you happier and makes your life worth living. Go to the park and just do nothing, but play; buy ice cream and sit on a bench and watch people live, go roller skating – despite you thinking you’re too old for it, go bungee jumping or play a game of monopoly

Never give up

Think about when your child was learning to walk, use the loo or even talk and remember the undying spirit of determination they had. They cried along the way, they might even have sulked for a few minutes; but they never gave up because they simply believed that they could do it and you as a parent was there cheering for them. Apply that lesson to your life and get a team or a cheerleader and then get busy living your dreams by never giving up on yourself. You are allowed to fall, to take it easy and even sulk; but never give up.


Children are very upfront and honesty. When they are angry at you, they will let you know the moment it happens. Very seldom do kids gossip about each other like adults do because they are too busy living in truth. A child will let you know the minute you make them angry – whether by throwing a tantrum, yelling or crying, but you will know and that keeps them purer and happier than adults.