Former Q-base 28 presenter, Raphael Griffiths is a music lover and creator on the move, as well as an actor on the rise.
He tells us about the love he has for his work and for art.
1.You have been on Muvhango for two years now. Do you feel you have grown as an actor?
Yes, I have. I admit that it was not easy for me in the beginning, because I was a television presenter with no experience in acting. I felt fortunate to be groomed by the Muvhango director and have the opportunity to work with other legendary actors who played a role in making me a great actor. I am still learning and believe there will never be a time I will know everything about acting.
2. What helps you prepare for your role?
I go to acting workshops and use the advice my director and my colleagues give me. I haven’t felt the need to get academic experience.
3. Apart from acting, you are also working on your music? Please give us more insight on this.
I am dropping my first single titled Dreaming on 13 October. This will be the first of many more songs that I have recorded and will be releasing.
4. How would you define your sound?
I refer to my music as alternative hip hop and reggae-inspired music. My album is very Asap Rocky- and Kid Cudi-inspired
5. Would you say that these two artists are your idols in music?
Indeed! I went through a very depressing time in my life; I was emotional, anxious and extremely depressed. Listening to Kid Cudi and HHP’s mellow music helped me fight my depression. This also inspired me to do my music; I want to write music that will inspire other people to be happy.
6. Men do not often speak openly about depression and anxiety. Wwhat is your advice to those who are struggling with it?
When one is depressed, they tend to dwell on the now. Avoid doing this; focus on your tomorrow. One thing that helped me was prayer. So, pray to whichever higher power you believe in.
7. Would you ever go back to TV presenting?
I miss being a TV presenter and would go back if I had the chance.
8. What do you get up to when you are not acting or working on your music?
I spend a lot of my time at art galleries or museums. I appreciate art history and new creations. My favourite type of art is fine art, paintings and film art.
9. You’re single at the moment, so how would you describe your ideal girlfriend?
I am not too picky; she just has to make me laugh and enjoy having any kind of conversation with me.
10. For you, what would make the perfect date?
A date at the an art gallery would be nice, but I would not want to scare her away with my obsession for art so perhaps a top notch picnic with a waiter serving us the best food and drinks, allowing us to focus on each other.