I have often heard that all life began in Africa, and have to add that all styles also originated in Africa. Think about it, from colour blocking, which you see in the Tsonga and Seswati cultural garb, to head-wraps that are now a part of everyday style, we don’t give ourselves enough credit for the creativity in our cultures. Fashion designers are now forcing us to appreciate ourselves by incorporating African designs to national and international runways. If you are in doubt, check out these trends borrowed from African cultures:
Tribal Jewellery 
Every culture has its own, but I love the colour that I see in bracelets and neck-pieces from the isiZulu culture. Celebrities like Bonang Matheba have been seen rocking them to pure perfection.
Africa owns prints. Look at how the Xhosa, Zulu and Sotho cultures have been showcasing prints before they were trendy. You don’t have to look further than the rest of Africa for print inspiration because the famous Kente material originates from Ghana. Nhlanhla Nciza has often been seen rocking some of the marvelous prints.
Natural hair is now in trending and proves that Africans are also fashionably creative with their hair. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this too originates from our continent. Not only are local celebrities embracing the trend, but international ones too have been seen spotting this style.
Whoever thought that wearing a doek would be considered fashionable? Well, now it is! Head-wraps are now a must have accessory for any season – thanks to celebrities like Simphiwe Dana for showing us how to incorporate this item into everyday wear.
They are referred to as izicolo and they have been discovered and are being worn every day! They come in different designs, but have kept their original colours.