As we end off women’s month we catch up with actress, dancer, model and TV presenter Carmel.
What is beauty to you?
Beauty to me is more than just about physical appearance. I believe beauty is a sense of contentment and peace within. Serenity, self-love and self-acceptance will help anyone stay beautiful and glow from within.
What beauty tricks and tips do you know now that you wished you knew when you were younger?
I wish I drank more water, always washed my make-up off before sleeping and applied toner after washing and before moisturising. I also wish I knew not to apply too much heat to my hair because this damages it.
How did you join the Blow the whistle campaign and what is it about?
The campaign is about giving women the opportunity to metaphorically ‘blow the whistle’ on their abusers at the time of their assault or days, months and years after they’ve been attacked. It is also about giving all women access to actual whistles, whilst publicising the campaign, so that they can feel free and empowered to make a noise in the event of an attack, in the hopes of getting attention and help in scaring off the potential offender. Women abuse is so common in South Africa, I was more than willing to oblige and lend my support.
What beauty problems did you struggle with and how did you fix it?
I used to have dry hair that easily broke. I did a weekly deep conditioning treatment and applied heat protective products before any styling with hair-dryers, hair irons etc.
What are the best beauty trends to try out this season?
I’m excited about trying the latest drinkable skincare solutions and collagen-boosting liquid supplements. I’m also keen on going back to basics in terms of eating healthier to ensure my entire being gets healthier from the inside out.
What beauty trends do you think are a no and why?
I’m not particularly crazy about Botox or plastic surgery for beauty enhancements (I doubt I’ll ever indulge in these beauty quick-fixes), as I believe that the aging process is unavoidable. I guess I’m a little traditional in my beliefs, that we should rather focus on aging gracefully and naturally, instead of trying to resist the natural process of aging.
What inspirational quote do you live by?
“Beauty is what you feel about yourself, not what you see in the mirror”
What are your favourite features and why?
I love my eyes, nose and high cheek bones, which make applying make-up a breeze and my hourglass figure and my gorgeous smile.
What beauty tips do you have to share with our readers?
Find and maintain a sense of inner peace, drinks lots of water and get at least six hours sleep. This may all sound cliché but these are the things that keep your skin healthy and looking good at all times. No matter how tired you are always clean your make-up off before going to bed to avoid breakouts and always use facial toner after every wash.