Experts share tips on skin transformation post-acne breakouts

Dealing with acne-prone skin can be challenging, especially when it comes to makeup application and expensive skincare products. These tips can help you achieve a lasting skin transformation.

According to beauty hub, Avene, acne-prone skin is a skin condition where your hair follicle and oil glands are blocked causing inflammation in the skin. The beauty hub adds that your skin would usually shed off dead skin cells later producing new skin cells which block pores.

Whether you develop acne in your teens or as you grow older, it is important to understand how the skincare products you use and the lifestyle you live can affect your skin over time, and while people are always encouraged to drink water daily and do some form of exercise it’s important to know that the food can cause many skin conditions given the chemicals and preservatives added.

Beauty hub, Escentual, states that breakouts are often caused by using the wrong skincare products and not being educated enough to understand that people have different skin types meaning that your skin might react badly to certain products.

According to beauty hub, Eau Thermale, daily cleansing removes dirt from your skin, adding that, you should not overdo it as it causes oiliness resulting in blocked pores which don’t allow your skin to breathe.

Here’s how you can transform your skin with these expert tips:

  • Diet: The saying ‘you are what eat’ is true, as the above-mentioned source says that your diet has an impact on your skin, adding that, according to studies foods with a lot of sugar cause acne-prone skin.
  • Clean your makeup tools: If you want perfect skin start by cleaning those makeup brushes and blenders as dirty makeup tools will only make your skin bad. Cery Askins says, “Dirty makeup brushes can harbour bacteria, leading to clogged pores, skin irritation and acne breakouts. That’s why I recommend cleaning your makeup brushes every two weeks.”
  • Wash your face post-workout: Beauty experts add that post-workout it is important to wash your face, as when working out you sweat and your pores open up which later causes dirt to get trapped in. PRO TIP: Wear gym gloves and do not change equipment without sanitising it.
  • Hydration: Drinking water=perfect skin, Healthline adds that dehydrated skin feels dry and dull.
  • Don’t stress: Eau Thermale states that, stress hormones cause a high production of oils in your skin, adding that, you should find methods to deal with stress.

Also see: The benefits of cocoa butter for your skin