We share top five beauty tips from Hulisani.
Nails are fun…
I love how nails aren’t restricted and one can play around. I currently have pastel green on my nails and there’s no such thing as trendy colours for your nails in my world. I love exploring with colour because you never know what will suit you, but I have never been one to have one nail a different colour. Call me old fashion but I think a solid colour on all the nails works best for me.
Freckles are unique…
Growing up my freckles weren’t my favourite feature but I grew to love them, and now love how I don’t need to apply make-up because of them. I usually dust a light coverage of powder to tone down the shine, bright lip and highlight my cheeks. My freckles don’t restrict me when it comes to trends, I can have as much fun as the next lady who doesn’t have any. I would like to tell every single person who has freckles to keep their make-up light, the trick is to enhance them and their beauty and not hide them.

Let’s talk hair…
I absolutely love big hair, texture and volume, be it weaves or braids. I have a round face and feel like the more volume the hair has the most structure there is to my face. I think women who can pull off a bald head are gorgeous, but that’s one look that isn’t for everyone. The day I wanted to shave all my hair off, my hairstylist made me wear a stocking and that’s when I saw that it doesn’t suit me. I have fallen in love with natural textures that one can play with because they don’t have the “relaxed hair” texture.
Caring for your hair…
I love weaves but hate the struggle we have when it comes to taking care of your own hair underneath. It’s easy to base your scalp at the back but the middle of the head is always hard. I am so happy that products are now giving us sprays with long nozzles so one can get right into the cornrows under the weaves.
When it comes to hair…
Play around and don’t be afraid to personalise the style to suit you. What works on your friend will not always suit you.