GALLERY: The perfect summer season nail designs December is the time for us to let our hair lose and relax. For many this includes being able to exp...
Phenomenal makeup looks by Colour Me Sim Coming across this young creative’s Instagram feed will definitely have you grasping in awe wi...
How to get a perfect summer glow The summer season is loved by many as it allows us to gather with friends and family and enjoy many ...
How to achieve the perfect lip combo Making its way back into the make-up hall of fame is the stunning lip combo that is polished with a ...
4 Ways to use milk for your face Ever noted how gentle and soothing a product that entails the name “milk cleanser” is fo...
4 Uses of oatmeal for skin care While the digestion benefits that oatmeal consists of are no surprise, many people can argue that ...
Pros and cons of being a makeup artist Makeup artistry can be very a rewarding and creative career. However, whilst the reward is pleasing,...
Beard essentials this summer While what is deemed as the proper beard may have various characteristics and qualities in society, ...
All you need to know about sunscreen When it comes to sun protection, we are told to always use nothing less than an SPF30 on our skin. B...
Tips and tricks to overcoming razor bumps Self-care plays an important part in how we present ourselves to the world. Everyone wants to look g...
Natural beauty hacks for a healthy spring glow Birds chirping, flowers blooming, and your skin escaping from a cocoon of intense winter moisturiser...
Makeup items your need to have Makeup is an art form that allows us to express ourselves and enhance our natural beauty. Whether yo...