Should you wear sunscreen every day?
Most people only use sunscreen during the summer or when they plan on spending extended periods of time out in the sun. We are all aware of the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays on our skin, yet should we use sunscreen even when the sun isn’t out or if we plan on spending most of our time indoors? The answer is yes.
Spending time outside is healthy. It provides your body with vitamin D and can even help reduce levels of stress and anxiety. However, too much unprotected time in the sun can harm your health. Using sunscreen helps protect your skin against ultraviolet (UV) light and decreases your risk of skin cancer.
Sunscreen can also prevent your skin from ageing. It blocks the sun’s UV rays, which can cause wrinkles, age spots, and a blotchy complexion.
The sun produces a spectrum of light rays with varying wavelengths. Some of them we can see, but some of them, like ultraviolet light, we can’t see.
There are two types of UV light that damage your skin: ultraviolet A, which causes aging, and ultraviolet B, which causes skin burning.
Even when you don’t realise it, you are constantly exposed to UV rays. You don’t have to be actively outside in the sun for your skin to feel the effects of UV light exposure. The effects on your skin can be felt even on cloudy days or through your windows. Over time, the exposure accumulates and compounds, which can increase your risk of developing skin cancer and skin damage.
The bottom line is that it is important to apply sunscreen with at least SPF 15 every day. It’s a great thing to add to your mourning routine to ensure that your skin is protected and healthy.