Get Rihanna’s look from the animation movie Home’s premier.
The blood stain lip shades and dark colours are a great hit ¬– they give your face a warm look. Pair the lip with a clean face will keep the focus on the lips.
Step 1
After applying your foundation, line the top rim of your eye with a liquid liner and wing it out a little. Place the tip of your brush on the inner corner of the eyelid and gently sweep the brush to the outer corner of your eye.
Step 2
Complete the eye by apply two coats of mascara on the lashes. Be sure to remember to apply mascara on the top and bottom lashes.
Step 3
Apply a warm tone blush on the cheeks beginning on the apple of the cheeks and sweeping it back towards the ear.
Step 4
Finish the look off by applying your rich tone lipstick on the lips beginning from the middle of the lips and work your way out. Apply a second coat to give it a dark and fuller look.