These days you can never be too comfortable where your career is concerned, you constantly have to work on acquiring new skills and ahead of the game.
Fortunately for us technology makes things easy, you can do anything at the comfort of your home and the next thing you know you have an impressive curriculum vitae.
According too Mind Tools you have to ask yourself what will your career look like in the next 5 years, will the skills you have be enough or will your experience be as relevant. We live in an ever changing world, being flexible and learning to adapt and changing with the world can help you tremendously.
To make it you have to be Tech savvy, interested in the new trends and finding ways that could help you accelerate your career.
Independent Technology Author, Calvin Paige shared with IT Briefcase innovative ways that can help boost your career:
Open to learning
There are many online courses that you can do at the comfort of your home, this will help you improve your skills, for example, if you’re a marketing professional perhaps its high time you learn about social media or digital marketing.
You have the world at your fingertips
You can use your online platforms to join pages that are set up for networking. This will help you connect with other people in your industry to learn and share knowledge of things you might have missed in your career.
Get to know different apps
Apps can help you organize your professional working life, for example, you can use apps for project management, organizing your files, make graphic designs, edit and many more other things you can do using technology as an advantage.
Finding a job
You can now apply for jobs using a mobile phone and data anywhere you are.
In addition, technology has made it easier to work from home, you can now find a job of your dreams without relocating anywhere. The better you are at advancing your skills, the sooner you’ll be living your dreams.
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