Themba Nkosi, famously known as DJ Euphonik talks to us about money and his spiritual being
Famous quote “money is the root of all evil” – what is your take on this?
I think anything used and abused can be evil. I agree with the quote because I’ve seen how money makes people behave. I’ve had to cut ties with some friends and family because of money.
What does being wealthy mean to you?
The say the wealth of a King is determined by how much free time he has. This is relative to everyone and what you think free time is. For me being able to do the things I love with the people I love, whenever I want without wanting for anything is wealth.
What is the reason behind your charity works, helping others succeed? For example the recent Property 24 seminar you were involved in that was held for free.
I really don’t like to see people struggle especially when the information is there and available freely. Something’s seem like a tall task until someone shares their knowledge with you. I don’t enjoy watching other people struggle with things I’ve struggled with so I’m always happy to share my experience.
Do you think there is a spiritual connection to being financially successful?
Definitely, you need to find what works for you. I pray and I visualise everything I do before I lift a finger and we were all taught to say “please” and “thank you”. Never forget to be grateful even for the small things.
Who inspires you?
My parents. There are a lot of people who’ve made something out of nothing in the world but I’ve watched my parents do this first hand and it’s inspiring. Whenever I go to my grandparents’ home and see where my parents came from I get overwhelmed by how far they’ve come.
A lot of successful people are not religious. What connections are there between your finances and spiritual beliefs?
I believe in God and my ancestors and I’ve never really asked for money but I always pray for health, wealth, success and happiness. I chase my dreams and money follows.
How do you keep the balance between being spiritually wealthy and financial wealth/success?
The majority of my time I spend trying to better my craft and find innovation in my field so even if I had millions I wouldn’t have the time to spend it because I’d be too busy doing the things I love. Money is never the end goal. I always say all I want to do is: “Play some tunes, meet some people, have some drinks and make some money”. So Money is always the last thing on my mind but I don’t ignore its importance.
What advice do you have for someone who wants to succeed financially but doesn’t want money to control them?
It really sounds like a cliché but you need to “Do what you love and love what you do.” Even if you gave me a simple idea to make millions I wouldn’t do it because I wouldn’t enjoy the “work” part of it.