Catching Up With Claire Mawisa

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Buddha. In order to live a healthy life you need to start with your mental health.

Claire Mawisa shares how she lives in the moment.

Claire mawisa

What does “living in the now” mean to you?

It means that I should try to stop stressing about what has happened because the past will never change, stop worrying about what is yet to happen, but appreciate and enjoy what is happening in the moment I’m in now. It is very difficult, but the more we live in the now, the more peace we experience in our lives.

Please define your personality?

I am a caring and optimistic person. I tell it like it is, and you will always know where you stand with me. I am playful and serious; thoughtful, yet carefree. I take things at face value and am a misunderstood nice person.


How do you deal with anger and hurt from your past so it doesn’t affect your today?

I always ask myself the question, “What was the lesson learnt?” If I can focus on that lesson, then I know it wasn’t a waste of my time. I also know that no amount of stress can change the past. It may hurt, but nothing can be changed.

What would you stand for if you knew no one would judge you?

I have learnt that you cannot be worried about people judging you, because not everyone will like you all the time, and that’s ok. I only worry about what other people think if they are in my inner circle, but I always stand for what I believe in.

Claire Mawisa

We are taught to “save for a rainy day”. How do you plan and save for the future without preventing yourself from enjoying life now?

I have made the money transfers automatic – money goes directly into my savings and investments immediately. I treat my savings like a debit order. There are also many ways to enjoy your life right now without a lot of money – you just need to be more creative.

What advice do you have for others to help them live for the now?

Be conscious of your actions right now, and as you go forward in your day. You can be who you want to be, starting right now – in this moment. What has happened is a lesson, let it go!


Pictures: Instagram