The Eastern Cape, Bisho born muso Nani, caught the music bug at an early age. We sat down with her to get to know her a little bit more.
Who is Nani?
Nani is a 26 year old musician, born Nandipha Dubula in Bisho in the Eastern cape and also raised there by my grandparents.
How old were you when you realised you were in to music?
I was fortunate enough to be born into a very musical family. (With my uncles being choir conductors and my family having their own little choir). It’s always been a part of my upbringing, but it was only at around 6 years old when I started watching TV and pretending to do my own little interviews that I started to dream about having a career in music then the realization sort of became a concrete thing when I enrolled to study music at AFDA in 2005.
When and how did you get your first big break?
It’s all been very recent. Although I haven’t reached some of the milestones that I’ve set out for myself & my career, I still feel honoured every time someone shows interest in my music. So for now I’d say my first big break was in 2011, when I was introduced to my ex manager Themba Makamo and my producer Mpho Ludidi, they have both been very instrumental in my journey and have been a great source of motivation every time things seem a bit bleak. I feel they are a huge part of why I even have an album to talk about right now.
What is your music about? What’s the inspiration behind it?
My music is about life as a whole, it’s about the joys of living, the joys of loving and the heartbreaks that come with all of that. I try to keep my focus on being as sincere as possible when I write that way people can take something from my personal experiences. Even if they aren’t Xhosa speaking people I try to make sure that the message of the music is very clear in my melodies as well.
What are you currently working on?
For now my main focus is introducing my music to as many music lovers as possible. I’m still a fairly new artist so as soon as my album Ilitha Lelanga gets all the love it can possibly get I will start focusing on new projects. Maybe a collaborative album or starting an Indie band, I will see.
Speaking of collaborations, who would you like to collaborate with?
So many people, I’d love to start a band with The Muffins, The lady from The Soil, Bongeziwe Mabandla & myself. We’d tour the whole world introducing as many people to South African music & culture as possible. Wouldn’t that be electrifying? Also Sade, Thandiswa Mazwai, Oliver Mthukudzi, Black coffee just to name a few.
What has been your biggest achievement?
Completing this album has been a huge achievement for me. There aren’t many 26 year old female artists that can say ” here, I conceptualized an entire music project, directed my own photo shoots, music videos, creative directed every aspect of the process and here is the end result”.
What advice would you give someone who is trying to break into the industry?
I’d tell them to do as much as they possibly can to get to where they want to get. Study or get some form of formal training. This helps you so much when it comes to making informed decisions that will benefit you as an artist in the long run also in expanding your reach & your influence in your own career.