Child star, Sade Giliberti talks MTV, future plans and the industry
Your favourite TV show is …
Besides MTV Choice, it has to be Ancient Aliens on the History channel – purely because it’s interesting to hear what those theorists believe and in all honesty, a lot of it makes sense. I find it very intriguing.
You got into this industry at a young age, how have you grown since?
I was seven when I started and now I’m 28, so I’ve grown quite a bit (laughs). But industry wise, I can’t begin to explain the growth. I have learnt so much and done so much with so many amazing people and not so amazing people.
What is the most important lesson you have learned about the industry?
It’s cutthroat and ruthless. But if this is something you want to do and want to grow in, you need to put in the blood, sweat and tears. You need to understand that it’s a fickle industry. Most importantly make nice with the people who make you pretty and look nice under lights.
How did you join MTV?
I was at the right place at the right time. I was invited to do idents (little bit of video that plays a few seconds before a programme starts, informing the viewer of which channel they’re watching.) for the channel, and in that got asked to do a screen test with Roxy Burger that was sent overseas to Italy for them to make the final decision. They loved us and the rest is history. The journey has been unbelievable – dream – come true and so surreal.
What else are you up to other than MTV Choice?
I give my time to so many projects on the side. I do a lot with SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group), I am the MC for C-Max Roller Derby, and I’m starting up my own company that will deal with Production work, Event Management and Project Management. And I’m working on a course that I want to get going next year for people who want to be Presenters and more so need confidence in general in their own work space. And I would like to at some point like to start up my own NGO.
Advice for someone who wants to join the TV industry?
Do this because you want too. The industry is hard and people will break you down but pull yourself up and keep going. Don’t try to imitate anybody else. Being real and being yourself is the most important part. Hustle, work hard and do things the right way. When it’s your time to shine, trust me, you will shine.