Giyani Land of Blood actress Mathabo Mothibe lets us in on the best advice she’s ever received, her pet peeves and other interesting things. By Kwanele Mathebula
Image: Mathabo Mothibe IG
1. The last picture I took with my phone was of a dress I was fitting for a party.
2. In my free time, I am either with my husband, watching a series or reading.
3. My biggest pet peeve is when someone squeezes the toothpaste in the middle as opposed to the bottom.
4. What makes me happy is waking up every day knowing that I‘ve overcome many challenges in order to harness and live my dream.
5. The one series I would love to star in has to be The Handmaid’s Tale.
6. The most interesting thing about me that you wouldn’t learn from my career alone is that I am very observant. I notice little things such as people’s small habits.
7. The most memorable performance I’ve ever watched was a play called Miss Julie at the State Theatre.
8. A body part that I wouldn’t mind losing would be my ears because the first time I noticed them, I found them to be odd.
9. One thing I miss about my childhood is all the times I spent with my late father. As a child, I wasn’t a great runner, but every athletic season he would jog with me to prepare me to compete.
10. The one thing I’ve learnt on my own about the acting industry is that I need to think of my career in a larger scale. I have had to overcome shyness by being more active on social media and grow my overall brand.
11. The best advice I’ve ever received was – follow your instinct and stay true to who you are.
12. The worst advice I’ve ever received was that I shouldn’t start pursuing my career while I was in university.