Pic courtesy: Khaya Dladla IG
SABC’s 1 Uzalo actor Khaya Dladla is still taken aback by his new found fame and he gives of a glimpse on the life of being a celebrated actor.
By: Fundiswa Nkwanyana
1.Being a theatre actor and singer helped pave my path into television. The stage was my playground and I never thought I would be a television actor however when the opportunity presented itself I was excited. Growing up I was part of several musicals and the stage was my favourite playground.
2. I play “GC” a flamboyant and loud mouth gay man. My character on Uzalo gained instant popularity as viewers loved his dramatic and loud personality. I didn’t know that GC would become such an instant hit. It’s a humbling experience because I work hard to give the viewers my best.
3. My life changed dramatically once people started recognizing me on the streets. I sometimes miss the simple life I had because I could walk down the streets uninterrupted but now people approach me with excitement demanding for pictures and hugs. I’m a very shy person and I often just want to be left alone. It’s still something I am trying to get used to.
4. I wish fans would not be so invasive and intrusive when showing love. A fan once shoved his tongue down my throat and I have been pushed and scratched by fans in a frenzy of excitement. People have spit in my face while screaming and sometimes a stranger will just grab my arm and want to chat. Then there are people who go out of their way to say mean and hurtful things. It’s weird because I’m still getting used to the fame and my personal space being constantly invaded.
5. However I’m still grateful that my acting career is flourishing. Everytime I feel overwhelmed by the attention I remind myself that people love “GC” and it’s their way of showing support. Despite these challenges, I am happy with my career growth and I’m learning to embrace my fans and understand where they are coming from.
6. 2017 is going to be an exciting year for me. I am working on many passion projects that will come to fruition this year. My music will soon take a life of its own and radio presenting is definitely on the cards. It’s going to be a year of hard work and fun.