Celebrity chef Siba Mtongana has bagged a new television show titled Siba’s Adventures: Johannesburg . The star’s new show will celebrate and showcase the food culture, restaurants, foodies, chefs & entrepreneurs who are pioneering the space in the city of gold.
Image: Siba Mtongana IG
Siba announced the exciting news which comes fresh off winning an international award for her cooking show, Siba’s Table.
Siba’s Adventures: Johannesburg premiers on 25th at 7 pm on the Food Network (DSTV Channel 175).
Siba Mtongana bags a new TV show. We can’t wait to see what she has in store!
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ANNOUNCEMENT: BRAND NEW SHOW!!? Friends, Tonight is a big night in Jozi!! I’m launching my brand new show called SIBA’S ADVENTURES: JOHANNESBURG. It premiers next week on the 25th of April 2019 on Food Network DSTV Channel 175 at 7pm ???❤️????? . . . God’s timing is always perfect as coincidentally comes few days after Siba’s Table wins a Silver World Medal in the US in Las Vegas at the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards 2019.?? . . . This is an exciting brand new show where I share my food adventures with Johannesburg being the city I explore for Season 1 …the city of gold… Jozi, eRhawutini, eGoli, Kwa ndonga ziyaduma… the hustle and bustle of Jozi celebrating and showcasing the food culture, restaurants, foodies, chefs and entrepreneurs who are pioneering in this vibrant and colourful city we all love. I always get asked ‘Siba where do you eat or hang out when you’re in Jozi?’ …well, watch the show and find out where and why?. Whenever I travel, visit or live in a city locally or abroad I’m always curious to experience the pulse and rythm of its food culture… explore, celebrate and share it with you so that you can experience it for yourself too. Sharing my food diaries is my life in food! Don’t miss it!! It’s all va va vooooom!! Much Love, Siba! ❤️??♀️? . . . #SibasAdventuresJohannesburg #NewShow #FoodNetwork #Discovery #SibasAdventuresJHB #MediaLaunch #Marble #Johannesburg
A post shared by Siba Mtongana (@sibamtongana) on Apr 17, 2019 at 11:07am PDT