Award-winning local fashion designer Thebe Magugu made his Paris Fashion Week debut this week. The star made history as the first African to win the prestigious LVMH Prize for young fashion designers in 2019. As part of his prize, he got to present his 2020 autumn/winter collection at the Palais des Tokyo on Tuesday.
Thebe took to social media to share his debut. He said in part; “Yesterday, we launched our project “Ipopeng Ext.” at Palais De Tokyo during Paris Fashion Week. This project, which takes its name from the township I was born in, is a look at the incredible people and places who inspire the work I do.”
He continued; ” Ipopeng’s histories and people remain unwritten and overlooked. The disavowal of everyday township lives, of powerful personal stories and of extraordinary achievements reflects this ongoing dismissal both in South Africa and the world.”
Thebe Magugu makes his Paris Fashion Week debut. Here’s a peek.
SEE ALSO: Thebe Magugu wins the 2019 LVMH Prize
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Heerlijke presentatie van #thebemagugu in #palaisdetokyo #pfw #paris #lvmhprizewinner #southafrican
SEE ALSO: Thebe Magugu wins International Fashion Showcase 2019
Iconic model, Naomi Campbell, praised Thebe’s praisesshowcase. She said in part; “Presenting his Paris Fashion Week debut with his AW20 collection. Dedicated to embodying his South African heritage with everything he does, he got inspired by the communities of Kimberley , all imagined, designed and made in South Africa.”