Friday is a favourite day for many employed individuals who work a nine-to-five job, from Monday to Friday as they look forward to a much-needed rest, over the weekend.
Our weekends are sometimes filled with many activities that we can not engage in during the week, due to hectic working hours. What is meant to be a break from work (weekends) ends up being a time to navigate other things that we can not do during the week, leaving us more tired when the new week starts.
From taking care of home to making sure that we show up to people’s events, navigating the weekend can be very hectic. If you often suffer from Monday blues whenever the new week starts like many of us, this article may help you beat the blues away.
- Meditation – One of the functions of meditation is to bring calm, peace, and balance to one’s life, it is therefore a great way to give yourself a mental break. Just before the new week starts (on Sunday), it is important to meditate to “boost your mood and help you sleep well,” shares Psychcentral, a leading online mental health & psychology network.
- Journaling – Journaling your worries and anxieties about the new week is very important as it can assist clarify your actions taken in the previous week and how you navigated them. “You can also try writing out some actions to take during the week to address whatever’s worrying you as journaling has many mental health benefits, adds the aforementioned information hub.
- Set goals for the week – Setting an achievable goal for the upcoming week is motivation as it is something to look forward to, adds employment hub LinkedIn. The hub also shares that the goal doesn’t have to be too big as that may end up overwhelming you. “Setting goals will give you a sense of purpose and direction and it’ll make the week feel less daunting,” adds the hub.
- Schedule something fun: We often save most of the socialising part of our lives for the weekends, hence come Monday, we are exhausted, and need more time off. This does not have to be the case, shares Psychcentral, as some socialising can be planned for the week, allowing you more free time during weekends.
- Laugh the Monday blues away – Laughter is said to be the best medicine as it has a way to bring happiness, even if it’s just in that moment. LinkedIn suggests reading funny posts or comments, or watching g funny clips or movies as those will bring a smile to your face, helping you feel better in turn.
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