Back in the day, before streaming sites like Showmax and Netflix became popular, South Africans were forced to get their entertainment by watching regular old TV.
It was during these dark times that some of the funniest commercials were aired.
Below we have gathered a list of some of the most iconic and well-known advertisements to ever grace our screens. Let us know what commercials you loved the most!
Where better to start off this list than with the legendary Cremora commercial that birthed one of the most iconic lines ever to be spoken on South African TV, ‘It’s not inside, it’s ooon top!’.
Lunch Bar: Tug of War
This advertisement became an instant classic the moment it hit our TV screens back in the 90s. The premise behind the ad is pretty simple. Eating a lunch bar will give you enough energy to beat a Scottish tug-of-war team. However, the manner in which the protagonist easily defeats his competition and then has a hilarious back-and-forth with his opponent is what made this commercial a classic.
Sun City: We Will Rock You
What better way to celebrate one of South Africa’s best holiday destinations than with a commercial that uses one of the most iconic songs from the 70s? Back in the 80s, Sun City released this advertisement to promote the holiday destination, but the choice of song ‘We Will Rock You’ by Queen is what sets this ad apart from other commercials.
Klipdrift: Met Eish… Ja
If you were around in 2005, you will undoubtedly remember this classic. After rescuing two tourists – despite not actually needing any help – a local farmer takes the couple to his homestead, where they enjoy a round of Klipdrift. As the farmer and his guest enjoy a glass of Klipdrift on his porch, one of the most memorable lines of dialogue is spoken. The farmer asks his guest if he would like another drink, in response, the guest replies with ‘Eish’, a common phrase used in South Africa to express surprise, annoyance or resignation.
However, the farmer mistakes the word eish for ice and says ‘Met Eish… ja, met eish’. This line of dialogue might not sound like any special in today’s day and age, but back in 2005, this line was quoted by young and old people all across the country, making it one of the most memorable ads ever to air on South African television.
Vodacom: Stripping meerkat
It’s safe to say this advertisement would not be aired on TV today, as a meerkat stripping in front of a female would not go down lightly with modern-day viewers. However, back in the day, Vodacom’s animated mascot, Mo the Meerkat, was loved by viewers around the country, especially amongst the younger generation. Mo featured in a variety of advertisements throughout 2006.
Honourable mentions
Wimpy: I love it when you talk foreign
Vodacom: I like the way you move
Sasol: Glug Glug
Oros: Flavour Drums
Simba: I wanna be a Simba chippie
Bakers Biscuits
Compiled by: Kyro Mitchell
First published by Cape{town}etc
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