Fans are excited as award winning house music artist is set to release new music
Taking to social media Lady Zamar posted the cover of the upcoming EP. “EP cover art…royal flush coming soon ,” she wrote.
ep cover art…royal flush coming soon ♠️ pic.twitter.com/pddiPCLhR6
— Lady Zamar (@Lady_Zamar) October 21, 2022
The EP is called “Royal Flush” consisting of 5 songs.
Two of the songs in the EP (All I Want and Find Me Now) have already been released as teasers of the EP.
All (I want) has already made it to the charts of Metro FM’s Top30 and Gagasi FM’s “Urban Top30”
#BrandNewEntry: We welcome to the chart @LadyZamar ft Senior Oat with their hit single All (I Want) making it debut at number 29. #METROFMTop30 pic.twitter.com/PwaLNJNwky
— METROFM SABC (@METROFMSA) October 22, 2022
#GagasiFM #UrbanTop30
22 Oct 2022On The Radar@Lady_Zamar – #IWantItAll@gagasifm pic.twitter.com/OXSwWVSp81
— Gagasi FM Urban Top 30 (@UrbanTop30) October 22, 2022
It is truly an exciting time for the artist and her fans as Lady Zamar took a break from music and social media after undergoing a throat surgery that affected her vocal cords.
According to News24, sources close to the star revealed that the Collide hitmaker started having issues with her throat after her voice became squeaky and she could not speak properly.
“Her voice problems started in 2020. When it started, she thought she had flu and dismissed it, until she realised that she had a bigger problem when her voice was not restored,” the source said.