Few characters in South African soap operas have captured hearts like Dintle Nyathi from Scandal!, portrayed by the talented Mapaseka Koetle. Since joining the cast in 2014, Mapaseka has transformed Dintle from a troubled young woman into a powerful media mogul, becoming a fan favourite along the way.
Recently, rumours circulated on social media about her potential departure from the show. Mapaseka took to X to confront the speculation head-on.
The discussion started when user @STsubella shared a screenshot from Mzansi Stories claiming that Mapaseka was leaving the show. Tagging the actress, they asked if there was any truth to the rumor.
In her response, Mapaseka wrote, “Nna I’m on set moes, maybe ke boloi,” which translates to, “I am on set, maybe it’s witchcraft.”
Nna I’m on set moes , maybe ke boloi https://t.co/pqh9AoVwp6
— Mapaseka Koetle (@Pasi_Koetle) September 18, 2024
Another user, @mmutugutugu, also tagged Mapaseka, asking her directly if she was leaving Scandal!. She replied, “It’s the first I’m hearing that from you, Mpho.”
Ke qala ho utlwa ka wena Mpho . https://t.co/ML3dg5wGxW
— Mapaseka Koetle (@Pasi_Koetle) September 18, 2024
Fans expressed their relief in the comments, with one user writing:
I’m happy that the rumours are not true I saw it on Facebook also that Busi going to kill Dintle. I’m so relieved
— Humbulani Khangale (@Humbulani4) September 18, 2024
Another fan shared their deep connection to Dintle, stating:
I just hope this is not true, because if it is I will be hurt so badly that I will refrain from watching Scandal. Didi has grown in front of our eyes from the time she gave birth to a baby girl and gave away for adoption. I’ve grown to love, admire and appreciated Didi so much.
— Ephraim Diphapang (@edmfolo) September 18, 2024
Also see: Gqeberha: The Empire cancelled after 2 seasons