‘I stabbed him to get him off of me ‘ – Musa Khawula says

Gossip blogger Musa Khawula mostly known to cause controversial stirs on Twitter is accused of Allegedly murdering Wandile Khambule.

In an interview with Sunday World, Wandile’s partner, Sweetness Japhta recalled how he died. Musa pitched at her residence and demanded to talk to Wandile, but he refused. ‘Khambule refused to speak to him and said he was not interested in what he wanted to say because he was not interested in him romantically. I then asked them to go [and] speak outside because there were other people in the house,’ Japhta said to Sunday world.

She then said, not more than five seconds after they left, she heard screams saying ‘don’t stab him. That’s when she checked outside and saw Musa running after Wandile with a knife.

Musa Khawula took to Twitter where he shared his side of the story in a live stream conversation. ‘I remember following him, he’s walking up front and I’m following him believing that we’re going to the car. He picked up a bottle – he turned and picked up a bottle and threw it at me, I dodged the bottle. All of this happened so quick number one.’

He continued to say ‘ the one thing that I saw on the side of the thing where the sink was there was a knife. I picked up the knife and I stabbed him in his groin area place to get him off me. It was one stab but it doesn’t matter because he died. But, it was one stab to get him off me. We continued fighting, he was biting me and I’m biting him and then, after that some guy came and everyone that was up came and separated the fight. I left immediately because I thought if he comes up again he’s literally going to finish me. I ran to my car, I drove off.’