Video vixen and socialite Nicole Nyaba appeared on GiGi Lamayne’s latest podcast POV and detailed her fomer relationship with rapper AKA.
The couple who had been denying claims of dating until Nicole confirmed in an interview with Drum magazine in 2018.
‘He just came to me and said let’s hangout but you know one thing led to another, you know what I mean. I was with him until July you know’
‘He’s is a romantic guy but he’s a devil and he’s sneaky you understand what I mean. Knowing what I know now he’s not sincere, and knowing what I know now he doesn’t care about anyone but himself, Knowing what I know now, I should have never trusted him.’ Nicole said
Nicole continued say that she should have never have trusted the rapper as a friend, as a lover, as anything.
‘I’m not saying don’t be with him, be with him but just know what you’re going to get. Yes, you’re going to get someone who’s going to be opening doors for you, sending you nice messages, being romantic and stuff. But, really really being romantic doesn’t mean you love somebody’
She further added that she used to hate AKA but now she was apathetic towards him and that she was not looking to be in the same space as him ever again.
‘He used my vulnerability at that time and my kindness and my acceptance. He used all my good qualities and virtue against me to do whatever he wants to do’
To watch more of the interview, click below.
Also see: AKA to release 3 new singles!