We are officially one day away from the highly anticipated valentines-day.
While most couples often pressurised by social media to live up to the standards of celebrities and social media influencers by organising over the top celebrations, the reality is that there is more life than this, and it is the thought that counts.
Having a simplistic, yet meaning evening is often all that your partner needs in order to make their day extra special. Not only will the experience be authentic, but it might save you a whole lot of funds that can be used later on.
To help you with the perfect valentines’ celebrations we have a list of ideas that could help you:
Home is where the heart is
One of the most thoughtful things you can do is offering them a lovely home cooked meal. Take some time off or ask your manager if you could leave home slightly earlier and put your plans into action. Decorate your living space set the atmosphere, if you have a nice green garden, that would be so much better. Your thoughtfulness and effort would be what they appreciate the most.
If your partner has a love for the outdoors, a picnic while under the stars would be an amazing way to end the day. It is an added bonus that we as South Africans are still experiencing summer, so you don’t generally wouldn’t have to worry about a windy day or bad whether messing up your day. So, get some of their favourite snacks, play sime music and enjoy the majestical sunsets.
A beautiful bouquet of roses have always been a winning recipe, so having this accompanied by a beautiful letter describing how much the person means to you is guaranteed to put a smile on their face.
Also see: 5 Date spots to impress your valentine