The internet has made it very easy for many of us to access information about the things we want and need. This is the case with beauty products and beauty regimes.
With the arise of new beauty trends, it is the same internet that shows us videos on how to master skills.
Beauty products costs hundreds of rands and with the way inflation is going it may be hard to get some beauty products we may need, this shouldn’t worry you thou as there are many beauty hacks that will not require you to spend a dime as they use products that you probably have in your home.
Here 5 hacks that you possibly didn’t know.
Create the ultimate cat eye using a spoon – you read right, a spoon works as a perfect tool to achieve the best eye look ever. In order to achieve the perfect cate eye, “place the spoon where you would typically draw a line and trace it with your eyeliner of choice, no pencil required, adds TheZoeReport, a guide for, and by women who live and breathe style.
Use your lipstick as a blusher – if you have a lip stick colour closest to your favourite blush colour, you can go ahead and apply it. Trust me your bank will love you for it. The above-mentioned information hub adds that your skin has to be mosturised before this is applied.
Try the gelatine face mask – gelatine is said to be a natural form of collagen that rejuvenates your skin. The mask will help your skin by infusing it with nutrients to that will in turn help stimulate collagen growth, heal damaged skin and also improve elasticity. When you peel the mask off it will extract impurities leaving your skin exfoliated, with toxins, blackheads and dirt off, explains HollewoodHair a licensed cosmetologist focusing on beauty and hair.
Make sugar and vaseline lip scrub – vaseline has many uses and one of them is a lip scrub when mixed with sugar. ‘To make the scrub, simply mix a pea-sized dollop of Vaseline with a pinch of sugar. Apply to your lips and massage in circular motions. Don’t forget to rinse when you’re done,’ adds HollewoodHair. The information hub also suggests brown sugar as its granules are softer on the skin.
Dry nail polish with cooking oil – there’s nothing more irritating that a nail polish smudging after you’ve applied it, especially when you’re rushing somewhere. Cooking oil will save you from the nightmare. The above-mentioned hub shares, “This essentially works by soaking into the nail and thinning out the polish. Once you see it starting to bead at the top of your nail, you can gently wipe it off with a tissue and find strong, dry polish underneath.”
Also see: How to bake your face like a pro